Lesson: User Defined Types p. 2

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  • Define and identify: self, __init__
  • Create a class with an init method
  • Understand and use the self
  • Instantiate a class with an argument


  • Do Now
  • Lab
  • Associated Reading - section 6.2 of Book
  • Read through the handout, lesson, and lab so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students

Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Do Now
10 Minutes Lesson
30 Minutes Lab
10 Minutes Discussion

Instructor's Note

  1. Do Now
    • Display the Do Now on the board.
  2. Lesson
    • Discuss Do Now
      • Ask the students what the name of the class is. (Pet)
      • Ask the students where the code is instantiated.
      • __init__:
        • Ask students what they think the __init__ does
        • __init__ is a special function that is called when the class is first initialized.
        • if there is a print statement added to the __init__ method, when would it get printed?
      • self:
        • Ask students what they think self is. What does self.name do and how does that related to what my_pet.name does?
        • self is a way of referring to the instance within a function. So previously we had added attributes after the class was instantiated, but self allows for us to assign those at once in a single method
  3. Lab
    • Students will make a pet class. Each pet will have a type, breed, color, food, noise, and name.
    • Write a function that will take a list of pets and print out their name and the food they like to eat
  4. Debrief
    • Talk about the init