Lesson 2.03: Booleans & Expressions

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to...

  • Define and identify: boolean, expression, composition, True, False
  • Evaluate a boolean expression
  • Compose boolean expressions using and, or, not, <, >, and ==


  • Do Now
  • Lab - Can I or Can't I?
  • Associated Reading - section 2.2 of Book
  • Read through the do now, lesson, and lab so that you are familiar with the requirements and can assist students.

Pacing Guide

Duration Description
5 Minutes Do Now
10 Minutes Lesson
35 Minutes Lab
5 Minutes Debrief

Instructor's Notes

  1. Do Now
    • Project the Do Now on the board, circulate around the class to check that students are working and understand the instructions.
  2. Lesson
    • After 5 minutes, ask students to recall what a boolean is and how they used booleans in Snap!
      • Ask students what values they saw in part 1 of the Do Now (answer should be True or False)
      • Boolean expression: is an expression that evaluates to either true or false.
    • Ask Students about the difference between = and ==.
      • = is for assignment of value
      • == builds a boolean expression and is a way to compare two values
    • Remind students of boolean expressions in Snap! Snap boolean Expressions Snap boolean Expressions =
      • Ask the students to recall what and, or and not did.
    • Give students additional time to finish completing part 2 of the Do Now, if needed.
    • Have a student write up the expression they used to update the can_get_license code.
      • Poll students - how many boolean expressions are used? Answers here may vary depending on the students' code.
      • Define composition: Using an expression as part of a larger expression, or a statement as part of a larger statement. You can use parentheses to compose expressions as well.
    • Parentheses: In Snap! to compose many expressions they were nested together by simply putting blocks one after another. However, in Python if you want certain things to be evaluated together, use parentheses.
  3. Lab
    • Evaluate expressions with and, or, and not
    • Given written out rules, students will convert them into Boolean expressions.
    • Create a large expression using variables that describes you.
  4. Debrief
    • Check student progress and completion of the lab, wrap up by taking any final questions.


If students are moving quickly, use this opportunity to go over truth tables (or ask them to research De Morgan's Law)

  • Convert the following SNAP Truth Table program into Python.