Project: Guess Who

In Guess Who, you’ll be building a text version of the classic board game. Dictionaries will be the key to this project.


The game should store information on at least 5 characters. Each character should have a name, gender, age, height, and hair color.

When the game begins, a character should be randomly selected. The player can ask for 2 pieces of information, and then has to make a guess who was picked.


  • list: list out all the characters and their information
  • gender|age|height|hair: asks for a piece of information
  • guess : guess a character
  • help: displays all commands
  • quit: exits the game

Implementation Details

  • To store and access the information you’ll need to use dictionaries. They’ll allow quick and direct access.



Functional Correctness(Behavior)
List command 5
gender age height hair 10
guess command 5
help command 3
quit command 2
Sub total 25
Technical Correctness
Correct use of dictionaries 15
Correct use of variables and game loop 10
Correct use of printing/formatting 10
Sub total 35
Total 60