Lab: Dictionaries Storing Lists
In this lab we will create a dictionary to do list. Each key in the dictionary will be a day of the week. The values will a be a list of items.
The program,, will prompt the user what they want to do 'add' or 'get'. If get program will ask which day and return the to do list for that day. If the user writes add the program will ask which day and what item should be added.
At the start of the program the dictionary should be totally empty. Items should only occur once in the to-do list for any given day.
What would you like to do?
What day?
What would you like to add to Friday's to-do list?
practice clarinet
What would you like to do?
What day?
You have to practice clarinet.
What would you like to do.
It's a bit annoying to have to type in three different lines to add an item to a to-do list. Using split
to allow the user to input add Friday watch tv and relax
Create a variation of the program that doesn't allow any duplicates across any of the days. Make sure when you add a to-do item that it doesn't exist in the to-do lists of any of the days before adding.