Lab 3.03 - War (Card Game)

1) Create a program that lets a user play the card game 'War'.

Your game should:

  • Start with a given shuffled deck variable (shuffle function comes from python's random library, more details below)
  • Ask for player1 and player2's names.
  • Have a function player_turn, with the contract shown below:
#player_turn: takes in a player name, player_name, and draws/removes a card from the deck, prints "user drew card x", and returns the value 
#input: player_name, string 
#output: string
  • Have a function compare_scores that takes in the two strings representing the cards drawn and compares the card values. Make sure to write the contract for compare_scores!
  • For simplicty Jacks will be represented as 11, Queens will be represented as 12, Kings will be represented as 13, and Aces will be represented as 14
  • For simplicty the suit does not matter
  • Include a while loop that keeps the game running until there are no cards in the deck.
  • Keep track of the score.
  • Declare the name of the winner and final score at the end of the game.

Deck Shuffling

While seemingly simple-- shuffling a deck is a somewhat comoplicatd problem. Luckily, Python's random library has a built in shuffle algorithm. Feel free to read the documentation, but we have provided a simple wrapper function that will return to you a shuffled deck of cards.

import random 

# shuffled_deck: will returna shuffled deck to the user
#output: a list representing a shuffled deck
def shuffled_deck(): 
    basic_deck = range(2, 15) * 4
    return basic_deck


Instead of closing the program when the deck is empty, create a way for the user to play again.